As I was clipping my coupons, I came across coupons for laundry detergent, and I knew I had seen an ad for them on sale.
CVS had an AWESOME deal on laundry detergent, while there was an AWESOME coupon available. Perfect! Because we were desperately needing laundry detergent, or people were going to have to start wearing clothespins on their noses, when we walked in. I had to call around to 4-5 different CVS stores, before I actually found one that had detergent left. (It was such a good sale!) But we finally found one that wasn't too far away from the house, and off we went. We bought 6 bottles of Arm & Hammer detergent, and 2 things of Brookside dark chocolates (if you haven't had them before, go try them! They're soooo yummy!)
My Deals
Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergents - Regular price, $7.49
- The laundry detergents were on sale Buy 1, Get 2 Free. CVS was kinda sneaky on this. Their sign out front only said they were B1G1, but their paper ad told the true story.
- I bought 6 bottles of detergent and used 3- $2/2 manufacturer's coupon from the newspaper (See! This is where it comes in handy to have multiple papers!) Even though you are only paying for 1 item, you are still technically purchasing 6 items, so you can use the $2/2 coupons.
- Total price for the bottles of detergent: $8.98!! That's only $1.49 a bottle!!
Alternate deal - Just so you can see the difference in savings.
- I could have done this deal with only buying 3 bottles of detergent, but I would have only been able to use 1 - $2/2 coupon. Making the total price for 3 bottles: $5.49, or $1.83 a bottle (so still saving, but not as much as you would, if you bought 3 more.
Now, some of you are probably saying, "Buying 6 bottles of laundry detergent sounds a bit like extreme couponing to me", but I really don't think it is. Laundry detergent is something you will ALWAYS need, and with having a messy hubby and baby, I am ALWAYS doing laundry around here.
Brookside Dark Chocolate - Regular price, $4.49
- CVS had them on sale for 2/$6 (not a very good deal, BUT there were coupons to make it a good deal!)
- I scanned my CVS card at the kiosk in the store and received a $2/2 coupon for them. I also had 2- $1/1 coupons from the paper. CVS allows you to use 1 store coupon and 1 manufacturer's coupon per item purchased, so I bought 2 bags of chocolates and used 3 coupons.
- Total price for both bags of chocolates was: $2.00, or $1.00 a bag!
Total savings that trip = $43.54!
I paid less for 6 bottles of detergent and 2 delectable bags of chocolate, than I would've paid for 2 bottles of detergent regular priced.
Even though it took a little bit of time to find a store with enough detergent left to get the good deal, I consider this deal worth it. I wouldn't have had to call around, if I had hit the coupons and the store earlier in the week, but eh, I'm not an extreme couponer. I do things at my own pace.
As you can see, Jackson was very excited about my savings.